Spring Fever

The Latest


Things have picked up a bit! Sold my first NFT on Foundation yesterday! Have made some sales on #Tezos as well. If you would like to commission me for work just get in touch.


Well I got accepted on knownorigin.io in February and I’ve made 8 sales so far! So happy with the progress and opportunity I’ve been granted with them. Hopefully the sales will continue!


Its been a while! I have started creating NFTs with AI and you will some of that here on this website very soon! You can see what I have minted so far over on my Foundation profile. I have also applied to mint on KnownOrigin! Please pray for me as I await the results.


Finally minted on The Foundation! You can view my profile here.


Created Peaceful Dreams yesterday


Created a valentine NFT yesterday with Doe.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Ok, created “Diving” and “Winter at Le Monde Perdu” today. Should come up with some more soon. I am still looking for my first sale.


Welcome to my home on the web! I’ll be updating with my latest #NFTs as I create them. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Make sure to follow the links to my social media and my opensea, rarible profiles.